This is the test program I would like to be explained to me:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/exception.hpp>

struct MyException: virtual boost::exception{ };

class MyClass
ššš char* s;
ššš MyClass(const char* msg) : s(strdup(msg)){ }
ššš MyClass(const MyClass& c){ s = strdup(c.s); }
ššš ~MyClass(){ free(s); }

void main()
ššš MyException ex;
ššš ex << boost::error_info<struct my_tag1, MyClass>("qweqwe");
ššš ex << boost::error_info<struct my_tag2, std::string>("asdasd");
ššš std::cout << boost::diagnostic_information(ex);

This is the program output:

> Throw in function (unknown)
> Dynamic exception type: struct MyException
> [PAUmy_tag1@?1?main@] = [ type: ?AV?$error_info@Umy_tag1@?1?main@VMyClass@@@boo
> t@@, size: 8, dump: 50 69 10 01 b8 18 7f 00 ]
> [PAUmy_tag2@?1?main@] = asdasd

So, my question: what should I do with 'MyClass' to see the output like this:

> Throw in function (unknown)
> Dynamic exception type: struct MyException
> [PAUmy_tag2@?1?main@] = qweqwe (Wow !!! Terrible dump is replaced with readable string here !!!???)
> [PAUmy_tag2@?1?main@] = asdasd

Thanks, Andrew.