Hi all,

I'm confused about boost dynamic linking on windows MSVC90

I always define: BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB
So that I directly control which DLLs I link to.
I add the signals dll for linking.

Then, if I define BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK, I get lots of these messages:

boost_1_42_0\boost/signals/detail/signal_base.hpp(113) : warning C4251: 'boost::signals::detail::signal_base_impl::combiner_' : class 'boost::any' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class 'boost::signals::detail::signal_base_impl'
39>        boost_1_42_0\boost/any.hpp(36) : see declaration of 'boost::any'

I've read up on this and understand why the warnings are shown.

I don't understand why I am able to still link my program if I do NOT define BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK.

Without the flag, it compiles without warnings, it links without problems, AND the executable requires the signals DLL to be available, so clearly it IS dynamically linked.  Right?

Any ideas?
