I have just started using boost unit test framework and i am also new to boost. I have a very basic test case program which i am testing with boost 1.39.0 unit test libraries. The code compiles properly but on running it crashes without even reaching my test case.
Is someone facing similar issue on Sun OS.
Btw, I am using Boost 1.39.0 on Sun os. I have compiled boost libraries myself with sun toolset using these options
./bootstrap.sh --with-toolset=sun
 wih user.config.jam as
using sun : 5.9 : /bb/util/common/studio12-v4/SUNWspro/bin/CC : <stdlib>sun-stlport <cxxflags>"-library=stlport4 -xcode=pic32 -erroff=wvarhidemem,hidevf,hidevfinvb,badargtypel2w,wbadinitl,nullref,temwhileinst,unassigned -errtags=yes" <linkflags>"-library=stlport4 -xcode=pic32" ;