I thank you all for your kind help!
Everything works fine using boost::regex_search
I am also sorry  because I didn't realize that my regex was incorreect because of \t
Have a nice day to everybody

On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 5:27 AM, Eric Niebler <eric@boostpro.com> wrote:

On 3/12/2010 4:54 AM, Conoscenza Silente wrote:
Hi All
I am newbie to boost::regex.
I have a string including multiple new lines characters in it like the
one below.

"this is a big string\nthat I would like\ntoParse here:
WORD_TO_FIND=Ciao\nin the middle"

I tried the following regex but it doesn't match.

boost::regex ln0("WORD_TO_FIND=\t(?<SYMBOL>\\w+).+", boost::regex::perl );

Do you know what is the option and how to set it up
to enable the matching for an entire string and not line by line?

Are you using the regex_match algorithm? That only succeeds if the pattern matches the whole input. You should be using regex_search.

Also, which version of Boost are you using? I think Boost.Regex only got support for named captures very recently. John can correct me if I'm wrong.

Eric Niebler
BoostPro Computing

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