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From: hitesh dhiman <hitesh.dhiman.1988@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 11:39 AM
Subject: passing pointers from python
To: Development of Python/C++ integration <cplusplus-sig@python.org>, boost-users@lists.boost.org

Hi all,
i'm trying to wrap c++ functions that have pointer variables. The test example i'm using is shown below:
int World::addition(int* a, int* b)
int z = *a + *b;
return z;

Now, i defined it in my wrapper as :
.def("addition", &World::addition)

My code compiles, but when I try to execute it from python, i get this error:
Python Argument types in World.Addition(World, int, int) did not match C++ signature: addition(class World {lvalue}, int* , int*)

Is there a workaround for this?? 

Hitesh Dhiman
Electrical Engineering
National University of Singapore

Hitesh Dhiman
Electrical Engineering
National University of Singapore