On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Stuart Dootson <stuart.dootson@gmail.com> wrote:

Your code is fine when the bound thing is a method - you could use
'&a' rather than 'boost::ref(a)' (a pointer to 'a' can be used for a
method call in place of a reference to 'a')

However, for your 'double_it', I'd personally just write a function
rather than define a struct with a method. Then, 'a' is not needed and
the bind would be:

std::for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), boost::bind( &double_it, _1 ) );

It does indeed, thanks Stuart. I would of course lift the method from the class
in real code, but this is just for exposition. In practise, as ever, there are additional

- Rob.

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