Hello Actually I was trying to serialize my main code using boost_serialization (this is the small program I have written to extract my actual problem of how to serialize the static int class member variable). Without boost_serialization of static int variable the code is running fine. But when I try to serialize the static int variable in "Public" of linklist class I get the error (segmentation fault). I tried to use the "BOOST_STRONG_TYPEDEF" to wrap the "int" to "tracked_int" but the effort was in vain. Kindly help me.
regards, ashish --- On Wed, 24/3/10, Robert Ramey <ramey@rrsd.com> wrote: From: Robert Ramey <ramey@rrsd.com> Subject: Re:
[Boost-users] error in boost_serialization of static variable To: boost-users@lists.boost.org Date: Wednesday, 24 March, 2010, 9:22 AM
ashish srivastava wrote: > Hello > I am having some problem in
executing the code of > boost_serialization. I'm trying to serialize the
static class member > variable. For that purpose I have wrapped the int
static variable to > tracked_int static variable. Please find the code
attached with this > mail. > > This is how
I'm running the code and getting the segmentation fault. >
--------------------------------------------------------- > $ g++
test_serialization_linklist.cpp -l boost_serialization > $
./a.out > do u want to continue adding more nodes into the link list
(y/n) ??y > do u want to continue adding more nodes into the link
list (y/n) ??y > do u want to continue adding more nodes into the
link list (y/n) ??n > 5 > 6 > 6 > 6 > > the
number of nodes present in the list = 4 > Segmentation fault >
I looked at the program.
you save one instance through a pointer
ar & start
you load one instance though a pointer
ar & newg
then you try to loop starting at newg. This
won't work as there is
only one pointer.
Try using std::list rather than your own "list"
Robert Ramey
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