On 23 March 2010 08:25, Neetu Garg <garg_neetu@yahoo.com> wrote:

Thanks Vladimir and David,

I tried "-static" without "-static-libgcc" and "-Wl,-Bstatic" and it worked fine.

My test sample that uses program option and single threaded works fine with the above change.

But my other application that is multi threaded (using boost thread API) and uses program option still segfaults. When I try to add "libpthread" and "
-lboost_thread-gcc41-mt" in linking I start getting segfaults.

LDFLAGS= -static -L/u/neetug/Projects/performance/perfstat_cluster/lib -lpthread -lboost_program_options-gcc41-mt -lboost_filesystem-gcc41-mt -lboost_system-gcc41-mt -lboost_thread-gcc41-mt  -lrt

Appreciate you help


Did you try my suggestion? What did you get?