2010/3/26 Federico Golfrè Andreasi <federico.golfre@gmail.com>
Hi !

I'm trying to find out how to link boost libraries under windows to a visual studio VC++ project (that will be a .dll library).

Where can I find some information ?!

I've take that from an old doc, but I assume the flag is still the same.

"If you are linking to a dynamic runtime, then you can choose to link to either a static or a dynamic Boost library, the default is to do a static link.  You can alter this for a specific library whatever by defining BOOST_WHATEVER_DYN_LINK to force Boost library whatever to be linked dynamically.  Alternatively you can force all Boost libraries to dynamic link by defining BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK."
from: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_33_1/more/getting_started.html
I've compiled the boost libraries and followed the instruction found at:

but when I build the project it gives me an error trying to find a libboost_filesystem-vc80-mt-gd-1_41.lib,
but no one libraries build starts with the 'lib' prefix ?
Why he search for them ?

By default (I think it is default) Boost will autolink the static libraries, which are named (on Windows) libboost_something.lib. So you will have to tell Boost it should link to dynamic libraries. (See the quotation above).
