you should just be able to write:

add_edge(0, 1, g)

Is there a way to add an edge if I don't know the vertex indices? For instance, let's say I've only got the two Foo pointers and I want to add an edge between them.

I suppose I could iterate through all vertices in the graph, find the Foo pointer, and thus know its index, but I feel like there must be a better (and faster) way.

A common approach is to keep a map or unordered_map from Foo to vertex descriptor. You can think of a descriptor is a kind of generalized index. For example:

typedef graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
map<Foo*, Vertex> verts;

g.add_edge(verts[f], verts[g]);

assuming f and g are Foo objects.

Andrew Sutton