Hi all,

I have to cross compile the boost 1.33.1 for my development board.
I downloaded boost_1_33_1 from the sourceforge download page and I followed the steps provided as per this link ( http://www.boost.org/doc/tools/build/doc/html/bbv2/tasks/crosscompile.html )

1. specify your cross compiler in user-config.jam
using gcc : arm : arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++ ;
bjam toolset=gcc-arm

It needs bjam, so I download and installed the bjam from boost download page.
when I run bjam toolset=gcc-arm, I am getting the following error:

      don't know how to make toolset=gcc-arm
      ...found 1 target...
      ...can't find 1 target...

It will be very helpful, if  someone guide me with the steps to cross compile boost1.33.1 version.

Thanks in advance.