From: [] On Behalf Of srinath duraisamy
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 7:36 AM
Subject: [Boost-users] Cross compiling boost 1.33.1


I have to cross compile the boost 1.33.1 for my development board.

I hope someone else will answer your real question, but I wonder if, in return, you can tell why you are still using such an ancient and out of date version of Boost, now at version 1.42.0.


(This is not a criticism, but I note many questions come from people using out-of-date versions and would like to know why.  Dealing with obsolete versions often causes  unnecessary trouble, and will cause more trouble if you belatedly upgrade.)







Paul A. Bristow

Prizet Farmhouse

Kendal, UK   LA8 8AB

+44 1539 561830, mobile +44 7714330204