 I created a  simple property_map as follows:

struct VecMap
typedef int value_type;
typedef int key_type;
typedef read_write_property_map_tag category;
typedef int* reference;
std::vector<int> vec_store;


void put(VecMap& rmap, int key, int val)
rmap.vec_store[key] = val;

int get(VecMap& rmap, int key)
return rmap.vec_store[key];

/// End code

The compiler gcc-4.4.1 against latest boost-trunk gives errorerror:
no type named value_type in struct boost::property_traits<VecMap>

The code however compiles fine with boost_1_40. Please take a look.
The full code is available here http://codepad.org/KtmbXkLa
