Hi Paul,

On 16 April 2010 12:00, Paul A. Bristow <pbristow@hetp.u-net.com> wrote:

Boost.Plot is special in that it is in C++ and it has a Boost license.


BUT while Boost.Plot provides zillions of functions to TechniColor your XY plots, it doesn't do much to help produce
other displays - even things as simple as pie charts.  And the underlying SVG interface functions are perhaps

So I wonder if there is any enthusiasm for a Google Summer of Code project for NEXT summer 2011 to get this into a
reviewable state?

(Sadly I think we have just missed GSoC for this year). 

Too late for this year I'm afraid. :(

I've played around with the version in sandbox and really liked the progress so far. It would make a huge difference to the utility of the library if it supported other charting capabilities out of the box, IMO. I've been missing a C++ charting library in the last few months.
