Yes, ok, but i can't access or write in OpenCV source code.
How can i serialize however?
Marco Meoni - Sbaush wrote:
Hi all. I understood how to serialize correctly nested structures, defining serialize method inside & <>;
I've a problem with an attribute of a struct. The attribute is border of OpenCV CvSeq type.
Here is my code... what can i do to solve this?
struct Element{
unsigned int id;
double area; double perimeter;
CvRect bounding_box; CvSeq* border;
namespace boost {
namespace serialization {
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, Element & g, const unsigned int version)
ar & g.area ;
ar & g.perimeter ;
ar & g.bounding_box.width ;
ar & g.bounding_box.height ;
ar & g.bounding_box.x ;
ar & g.bounding_box.y ;
// ar & g.border; I CAN'T DO THIS...
You need to do the same for CvSeq that you did for Element:
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive& ar, CvSeq& aCvSeq , const unsigned int)
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