Hello, I have encountered a problem with some code that I cannot get my head around, I  have spent quite a while looking for solutions but nothing has come up.


When the client sends the first packet it is read fine but the header(first 8 bytes) for the second packet ALWAYS goes wrong, the first byte in the buffer is always null and the rest of the packet is pushed down the char array, e.g.


I have done plenty of checks on the data the client sends:

Client sends 00080002

Header reads _0008000


Client sends 0008TEST

Header reads _0008TES

(with _ as null)



This is the first call to async_read, called when the client has connected


void CClient::start() {


    Log(MSG_INFO, "[%i] Connected", socket_.native());



                            boost::asio::buffer(packet_.buffer(), CPacket::headerSize),

                            boost::bind(&CClient::recvHeader, shared_from_this(), boost::asio::placeholders::error)







The rest of the async_read’s are called here


void CClient::recvMessage(const boost::system::error_code& error) {

    if (!error && handleMessage()) {





                                boost::asio::buffer(packet_.buffer(), CPacket::headerSize),

                                boost::bind(&CClient::recvHeader, shared_from_this(), boost::asio::placeholders::error)


    } else {






Thanks in adavnce,




I am very inexperienced with boost and not great at C++ so if you see anything I could improve, feedback would be appreciated.