

I’m trying to serialize a class using non intrusive templates since I can’t modify the class. The class has proper set/gets but doesn’t expose the data directly so I would need to use the save/load method which requires a macro to be defined in the class but, again, I can’t modify the class. Looking at the code, I tried the following to have the save/load implemented outside but get the following error with MSVC 7.1 (boost version 1.39). Is there any way to accomplish what I’m trying to do here? Thanks





error C2270: 'save' : modifiers not allowed on nonmember functions



sample implementation:



class MyClass


public : int GetValue() const;

public : void SetValue(int v);

private: int m_Value;




namespace boost { namespace serialization {

                template <class Archive>

                void save(Archive & ar, MyClass & c, const unsigned int version) const


                                int v = c.GetValue();

                                ar & v;



                template <class Archive>

                void load(Archive & ar, MyClass & c, const unsigned int version)


                                int v;

                                ar & v;




                template <class Archive>

                void serialize(Archive & ar, MyClass & c, const unsigned int version)


                                boost::serialization::split_member(ar, c, version);




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