> This seems to work for me:
> ?("namespace", po::value<std::string>(&args.name_space)->required(),"namespace
> to scrub")
> throws an exception when appropriate:
> ERROR - main: Caught an exception exiting main: missing required
> option namespace
> I remember having to hunt for it too.
> Greetz,
> Immanuel
> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 9:41 AM, Jeremy Abramson <abramson@isi.edu> wrote:
>> Heya! ?I just thinking about switching from simpleOpt to BoostPO for command
>> line handling, mainly because of its support of configuration files. ?This
>> may be a stupid question, but I haven't seen anything about making a command
>> line parameter *required*. ?You'd think this is a pretty common thing, but I
>> didn't see any mention of it in the tutorials or anything. ?I guess I could
>> just make certain parameters default -1/NULL or something, and then test at
>> the end if they're still equal to that, but that seems a bit ugly.
>> Is there built in support (a flag in the "add_options" function or
>> something) for making certain parameters required?
>> Thanks a lot!
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