On 2010-06-11 16:13:56 +0200, Philipp Kraus said:
On 2010-06-11 15:45:42 +0200, Roland Bock said:
Philipp Kraus wrote:
On 2010-06-11 13:06:46 +0200, Philipp Kraus said:
On 2010-06-11 09:41:40 +0200, Roland Bock said:
Kraus Philipp wrote:
I have implemented this litte code to compress a file
bio::filtering_streambuf< bio::input > l_deflate;
switch (m_compress) {
case gzip : l_deflate.push( bio::gzip_compressor() ); break;
case bzip2 : l_deflate.push( bio::bzip2_compressor() ); break;
l_deflate.push( bio::file_source(p_str, BOOST_IOS::binary) );
I need only the number of compressed bytes of l_deflate. I try to
use l_deflate.size() but it returns only a fixed number.
How I can read the number of compressed bytes?
The only method I know is to add a small filter which counts the Bytes.
I have found this
Can I use this class? I don't know how I can use the class (must I only
create a new object and push it to my l_deflate) ?
I have add this code:
bio::filtering_streambuf< bio::input > l_deflate;
switch (m_compress) {
case gzip : l_deflate.push( bio::gzip_compressor() ); break;
case bzip2 : l_deflate.push( bio::bzip2_compressor() ); break;
// create counter structures
bio::counter l_counter;
l_deflate.push( boost::ref(l_counter) );
l_deflate.push( bio::file_source(p_str1, BOOST_IOS::binary) );
but l_counter.characters() returns always zero. At next I have declared a filter_ostream and copy l_deflate to the ostream in which I pushed the l_counter. At this I run into a bus error.
For testing I've copy the l_deflate to std::cout and I can see the compressed data.
Thanks for help
I haven't actually used this filter myself, but here are some thoughts:
I swapped the lines
Once you figure out what went wrong, maybe you could create a documentation ticket containing the relevant information.
I tested both examples
but in both the character-methods returns alway zero.
In the second example there is also an error:
io::filtering_ostreams out; is wrong it sould be io::filtering_ostream out; without "s".
At this time it is a very bad situtation.
I have found a solution:
io::filtering_istream in;
io::counter cnt;
io::copy(in, std::cout);
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "Lines: " << cnt.lines() << " Chars: " << cnt.characters() << std::endl;
I must run the copy form the iostream, than I have the correct values in characters() and lines(). But I don't want to use the std::cout. I've found under http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_43_0/libs/iostreams/doc/classes/null.html a /dev/null device. At this time I don't know how to create a output stream that declares a null-sink or null-stream