Hi All
I am playing with boost::thread and it is not clear how thread::interrupt actually works.
If I understood clearly the thread will be
interrupted the next time it enters one of the predefined interruption
points; since thread::join is one interruption point, after I call tr.interrupt() I am expected that the thread will throw a boost::thread_interrupted exception once I call tr.join() right? .
Below the sample code I am working now and I cannot get this behavior. Maybe I misunderstood the meaning of interrupt.
If I uncomment the call to this_thread::sleep() I can see the thread_interrupted exception.
Can you help me in understanding?
void f1_good(){
int i = 0;
// boost::this_thread::sleep( boost::posix_time::milliseconds( 0 ) ); // if I
// uncomment this line calling interrupt will throw thread_interrupted
}catch(boost::thread_interrupted& ex ){
std::cout << "BREAK HERE!!" << std::endl; std::cout.flush();
int main( int argc, char** argv ){
boost::thread tr( f1 );
boost::this_thread::sleep( boost::posix_time::seconds( 3 ) );
std::cout << "calisl to INTER." << std::endl; std::cout.flush();
std::cout << "PAUSE BEFORE JOIN." << std::endl; std::cout.flush();
boost::this_thread::sleep( boost::posix_time::seconds( 5 ) );
std::cout << "join" << std::endl;