On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Jeremiah Willcock <jewillco@osl.iu.edu> wrote:
On Thu, 10 Jun 2010, Eric Fowler wrote:

It seems I do not have a mutable graph. This sort of raises another issue: how do I declare an object that is described by a concept? 

The best you can do is apply a concept checking class.  That doesn't filter the members so you can only use the MutableGraph-required functions, but it at least makes sure that the graph you have is a MutableGraph.

For example, in this case I know I need a MutableGraph, and I see from the doc (http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_43_0/libs/graph/doc/MutableGraph.html) that MutableGraphs
have certain properties, such as DefaultConstructible, etc. 

Now, how do I declare a MutableGraph, and know I have one? I know that:

 typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, undirectedS, POS<position_type> LEN<position_type> > DG;

What methods are missing?  Could you please try applying the MutableGraph concept checking class to the DG type and see what breaks?

Again I must ask: How? I have mined the examples and come up with: 

and put them the head of a .cpp file that uses DG. These have generated obscure and unhelpful error messages. 

Copying this line from the examples and using it in the same place produces no errors: 


What do you mean?  You want to add methods/functions to the graph type to make it model a specific concept?

No. I mean, yes. I want to know how to define my graph type so it models a specific concept. 


-- Jeremiah Willcock

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