I am trying to build a boost::python library that uses
serialization using BJAM. Unfortunately I cannot get the Jamfile to accept any
commands to link the static library libboost_serialization.a into my .so file.
I can build simple boost::python libraries but now I need to call
functions/classes in this library from my python wrapped classes.
My basic jamfile looks like this:
project-root ;
import python ;
extension MyLib
: MyClass.cpp
I am running CentOs version 5,
boost_1_33_1 (unfortunately I cannot upgrade to a later
bjam, (built from boost-jam-3.1.18)
Currently when I run bjam the environment variable
$BOOST_BUILD_PATH is not set, because of this I believe that bjam is building
as “v1”.
If I set $ BOOST_BUILD_PATH to ~/boost_1_33_1/tools/build/v2
I can no longer build even simple examples and I am presented with the errors:
error: Could not find
parent for project at ‘.’
error: Did not find Jamfile or
project-root.jam in any parent directory.
If I could get bjam to work with “v2” I believe that I could
get syntax correct for adding the library to Jamfile.
The directory ~/boost_1_33_1/tools/build/v2 contains:
site-config.jam which is empty
user-config.jam which has the following lines uncommented:
import toolset : using ;
using gcc ;
using python ;
Ultimately I would like to be able to build boost python
code with make instead of bjam – has anyone managed this, if so is there an
example makefile anywhere?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Roke Manor Research Ltd, Romsey,
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