On windows you can get the system_error and not the asio misc_error, it's named boost::system::windows_error::handle_eof .
you can file a bug against boost asio to transform this error code to boost::asio::error::eof.
In fact, when you look at the code at :  "boost/asio/detail/impl/win_iocp_handle_service.ipp"
the sync version is ok (it transforms handle_eof to boost::asio::eof) but the async one does not...

2010/7/10 Igor R <boost.lists@gmail.com>
> I am asynchromously reading from a file. At the file read handler there is
> an error checking like this-
> if(error==boost::asio::error::eof)
> {
>   //do something
> }
> else
> {
>   cout<<error.messge()<<endl;
> }
> When the end of file reaches, the control does not enter into the "if
> portion", instead it enters the else condition and prints the message
> "Reached the end of the file". Am I comparing error wrongly? or else where
> could be the problem? How can I know that the end of file has reached?

So you get some other error, not asio::error::eof. Use the debugger
and check what error code you actually get.
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