
I would like to write a class with static methods for calculating different distributions. The algorithmens of the distribution are complet, so now I would like to put them together. Finally I would like to have only one method for using the distribution call, like:

template<typename T> static T getDistribution( const distribution&, <arguments> )

I have set distribution to an enum to check the kind of distribution (normal, uniform, bernoulli, ...), so
I need for <arguments> a flexible number of arguments of float / double.

I've test the cstdargs, but it isn't the right structure, so I have seen the "boost parameter", but I don't understand how to create a function within my class and create a template variable in it. 
My getDistribution function should have one fix parameter, the first, with a name of the distrivution, and 1 or 2 parameters which are optional with default values for the distribution.

Is there a complete example how to use the boost parameter (a full source code)?

