Hi there, good morning to everyone. 
I'm using the Boost Test framework to run a set of tests for an application in development and some days ago i faced some problems.
In one of my tests, i run what we call "The Processes Test" which in resume is a process launcher. Within the launcher, i run, kill, detach and terminate process
and now i am getting lots of ugly and erroneous messages about stack/heap/dead references and unrecognized signals. I wanted to investigate
further those errors and on my logs i saw lines like:

unknown location(0): fatal error in "testCaseSystemProcess2": child was killed; pid: 20182; uid: 1000; exit value: 9

But indeed i was trying to kill/terminate the children process. Is this ok? If i was really expecting the child process to die,
shouldn't boost be quiet about it? Or does it mean the parent process also got killed? Also, on another test case i'm getting:

unknown location(0): fatal error in "testCaseSystemProcess1": unrecognized signal

Why the signal "id" is not present on the error message? How am i supposed to know which signal was emitted?

Thanks for your time and patience,