Thanks for your input Peter and Larry.

Larry, I'm fearful of using unreleased code. Any idea when your package_range_c could become part of an official boost release?

With that in mind I'm interested in using Peter's approach (which I'm sure is very similar to the internals of your package_c hey Larry?)

I have 3 questions please.

1. Please can you give an explanation of what the compiler is actually doing in your make_func_helper() and  make_indexes_...() - This goes beyond my capabilities at the moment, and I'm always looking to improve my knowledge.

2. In attached file "attempt_1.cpp" at Line 44 - I'm getting a compiler error "expected primary-expression before '...' token" which I don't understand. How would I bind the variadic template arguments in order to create a functor of the form boost::function<void()>? 

    void call(Args...)
        boost::function< void() > bound_fn = boost::bind(f, Args...);
        bound_fn(); // in effect the bound_fn will be stored in a queue for later envocation by a different thread

3. In attached file "attempt_2.cpp" at Line 27, there's a struct cb_ with a typedef "type" of the member function pointer of the form T::fn(Args...). 

    template< class T, class... Args >
    struct cb_ { typedef void (T::*type)(Args...); };

As far as I can see, this is of the same form as Peter's void (T::*pm)(Args...) member function pointer is it not? How come the compiler can't match &X::f with  typename cb_<T, Args...>::type?
