I have a new 2 core CPU and I've been experimenting with boost::threads by attempting to keep both cores busy independent of each other.

Say I have a queue of 4 tasks to do. Each task will be handled by one thread. Some tasks will take longer to complete than others so I can't use thread_group with 2 threads at a time and join_all() as one core may finish before the other and set idle until the second thread completes. I use boost::thread::hardware_concurrency() to determine how many CPU cores I have available. My problem is *knowing* when a thread/CPU core finishes a task and is available for another task. Here is some sample code. I commented what I think would be an approach. Any suggestions or hints?

std::queue<std::string> string_queue()
    std::queue<std::string> sq;
    return sq;   

void worker(std::string& S)
    std::cout << S << std::endl;

int main()
    std::cout << "Number of Cores: " << boost::thread::hardware_concurrency() << std::endl;   
    std::queue<std::string> strings = string_queue();
    while ( !strings.empty() )
        // if ( a CPU core is available )
        // {
            boost::thread t(boost::bind(&worker, strings.front()));
        // }
        // else
        // {
                  // wait awhile and check if a CPU core is available again.
        // }

    return 0;

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