Hi lists,
I'm working with the Serialization library but I'm having some troubles with it.
The tutorials in the website shown me much but still I need help.

I'm using XML archives.
I have this classes actually (these classes are all builders/prototypes, they serialize the datas and then they should make a new object with those datas):
Serializer (an interface, every class which need serialization must be derived from this, however this is only a marker, it will be not serialized)
RenderableSerializer : public Serializer  - this isn't pure virtual however shouldn't be never serialized directly (since the object made by this class is a pure virtual one) -  These will use the tag <renderable>
SkyboxSerializer : public RenderableSerializer - these will use the tag <skybox>
EntitySerializer : public Serializer - these will use the tag <entity>
many other classes will be added in future and they'll all derive form RenderableSerializer.

Now the problem is EntitySerializer have a pointer to a RenderableSerializer and when I serialize EntitySerializer the pointer to that class is considered to be a RenderableSerializer and not the derived class. I don't know at priori which class is the base class and this lead to problem.
If I serialize a SkyboxSerializer I have the correct tag: a <skybox> which have inside a <renderable> and the datas are correct.
If I try to serialize an Entity I had a lot of problem, mostly just make the library crash. As I've seen in the tutorial I should register all the derived classes before pass the pointer to the Archive. I did it registering the SkyboxSerializer classes but it lead to a wrong xml: a correct <entity> tag which have a correct <skybox> with all it's data but also a wrong <renderable> tag which have inside the same data of the tag <skybox> instead of the data of a RenderableSerializer class.

Now the question is: is there a correct way to use the library this way? With a pointer to a base class of which the derived is not known?
My code is too big and I made many attempt to use the library so I'm not posting it in this message. If you need it I will post it.
Thank you for your replies.