Hi all,
i am currently trying to use Boost.Log in my application. After fighting the two last days, I still do not understand how to correctly use the lib. I would like the result to be the same as the one provided by the example advanced_use.cpp. So, I wrote a simple class to make some tests.
As I want to use the logging library in a shared library (an application plugin), I made a simple test: compile the class which uses Log in a shared library and link an executable against this library. I also have created an executable which directly compiles the class (so does not link against the shared library). Basically, I have a test_boost_log class. The constructor is a copy/paste of the code from the example advanced_use.cpp:
} |
I have added another method to test the logger state:
void test_boost_log::a_test_method_to_see_if_the_logger_is_still_working()
src::severity_logger< severity_level > slg;
BOOST_LOG_SEV(slg, error) << "An error severity message, will pass to the output";
} |
My main:
#include "test_boost_log.hpp"
int main(int argc, char** argv)
test_boost_log tbl;
return 0;
} |
Here is the output of the program:
Hello, World!
1 [17.08.2010 21:22:43.083302] [] [00:00:00.000076] [test_boost_log::test_boost_log()] Some log line with a counter
2 [17.08.2010 21:22:43.083445] [] [00:00:00.000217] [test_boost_log::test_boost_log()] Another log line with the counter
3 [17.08.2010 21:22:43.083484] [] [00:00:00.000256] [Tagged line] [Tagging scope<-test_boost_log::test_boost_log()] Some tagged log line
4 [17.08.2010 21:22:43.083517] [] [00:00:00.000289] [Tagged line] [Tagging scope<-test_boost_log::test_boost_log()] Another tagged log line
5 [17.08.2010 21:22:43.083556] [] [00:00:00.000328] [test_boost_log::test_boost_log()] Now the tag is removed
6 [17.08.2010 21:22:43.083598] [error] [00:00:00.000370] [test_boost_log::test_boost_log()] An error severity message, will pass to the output
7 [17.08.2010 21:22:43.083633] [normal] [00:00:00.000405] [IMPORTANT MESSAGES] [test_boost_log::test_boost_log()] Some really urgent line
9 [17.08.2010 21:22:43.083673] [] [00:00:00.000444] [int foo(boost::log_mt_posix::sources::logger&)<-test_boost_log::test_boost_log()] foo is being called
8 [17.08.2010 21:22:43.083668] [] [00:00:00.000440] [test_boost_log::test_boost_log()] The result of foo is 10
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::log_mt_posix::missing_value> >'
what(): Requested attribute value not found
So, the logger throws, sample.log is created, but empty. The library and the executable are compiled with
If someone could help...
Best regards,
PS: boost_1.42, log_1.0 (from sourceforge), g++4.3.4, 64bits ubuntu