How do I check for the existence of a named resource in using boost
interprocess without wrapping a open_only in a try catch block and
waiting for the exception?

That's the only way.

Well you know that they say.... if first you don't succeed try... catch again.  I sure hope that this is not standard coding practices for Boost.Interprocess.  I have seen this before in the likes of Borland Builder (VCL) and Java and I consider this to be poor programming practices.  I realize that boost is working to create a standard library to mirror the likes of Java... I just hope Boost does not mirror(copy) the bad practices as well.  I hope this gets fixed in future releases.

The logic here is to see if a named mutex is in existence (checking to see if process is running) if not  launch the app that will create it (auto launch the app).  Then take the mutex and do some stuff then release.  This results in a try.. catch... fail.. try ... catch succeed.  I have tested this and it works however sloppy it may be.

Strange how objects created with in a shared memory region can be searched for, but not the shared memroy region itself or named mutexes.

--snip from boost.interporcess documentatoin--
 //Find the array
 res = segment.find<MyType> ("MyType array"); 
--end snip--