ray@maya-studio.com wrote:
>>> Just avoid serialization through a pointer, serialize either the
>>> object or a reference to the object.
> Thanks, Robert. Serializing through a reference seems to be the only
> viable solution in my case.
Its the correct one as it does what you want to do.
> However, I'm not able to make it work (I
> didn't find any specific information about references in the library
> documentation - except for member variables) .
There's nothing special about references - since the archive operators
pass by reference, serializing through a reference is indistinguishable
from serializing a variable.
>  For example:  
>     A a;
>     ...
>     A& aRef = a;
>     ia & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(aRef);;  // Throws an exception in
> load_override
That's likely something else entirely.  We'd have to see more code.
Robert Ramey