Sorry to  reply so late,because I'm working on the CUDA implementation these days.
I'm not very familiar to the gdb,so I need some time to learn it.At first I doubt that my code's problem is at the definition of array,but after I modified such as "E edges[num_edges]" to "E *edges = new E[num_edges]",the result is always wrong even the input size is small.But I indeed don't understand the difference between two froms. 
Thank you very much!
Wang wei
2010/8/27 Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri@swoodbridge.com>
On 8/27/2010 4:52 AM, Íõΰ wrote:
I'm studying MST algorithms in GPU recently.I need BGL implementation as
coparison,But I have a problem in
using  prim_minimum_spanning_tree.hpp.The problem is:when I use large
input(e.g. >1M),there's a "segmnetation error" problem.But when the
input(e.g. 1K) is small,the result is noproblem. I haven't found know
the reason yet.My complier is gcc 4.1.2,OS is RHEL5.
Help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Wang wei
The complete code is in the attachment.

There are a couple of things that would be helpful to try and report:

1) run your executable in gdb

gdb ./BGLPrim
run <arguments>

and report the backtrace output.

2) run your code under valgrind

valgrind --leak-check=summary ./BGLPrim <arguments>

This will run slower, but will print out some information at the end of the execution that might also be very helpful.

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