I'm not a specialist but I know that :

2) What compiler is known to be much more speedy for now, if any (icc,
clang, msvc)?

MSVC is globally faster than GCC with the same code (I don't know if things changed in GCC 4.5 and if invoking several jobs works better than with msvc), and CLang is also meant to be radically faster than GCC. See http://clang.llvm.org/performance.html

On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 00:23, Ilya Murav'jov <muravev@yandex.ru> wrote:
2) What compiler is known to be much more speedy for now, if any (icc,
clang, msvc)?
3) Did someone try to investigate (and maybe fix) that gcc bottleneck(s)?