Hi, thanks for the reply.

In the final version of the program, I needed to manipulate also float values. I was testing on Snow Leopard + gcc 4.5 , then, when running the same code with the same binary data, the program did not run both on Lunix Slackware64 13.1 + gcc 4.4.4,  and  Linux Slackware 23.0 + gcc 4.4.4 (and gcc 4.3). SO, temporarily, I had to rewrote everything to handle only text files, and now everything is working.

I will try to isolate the issue in a smaller code to check if this is a compiler issue, a platform issue, or a boost::binary issue.

Best regards / Cordialmente,

William Oquendo
Phd Candidate
Simulation Of Physical Systems Group
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Linux User # 321481
Este correo puede carecer de tildes o eñes ya que el teclado no contiene estos caracteres. Presento excusas por eso.


On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 12:21 AM, Robert Ramey <ramey@rrsd.com> wrote:
William Oquendo wrote:
> Dear,
> In the documentation of boost::serialization, I read that there is
> still work needed to have a portable (32 and 64 bits) binary
> serialization implementation. The date of the TODO is 2008. Is still
> this a current TODO? is there a library implementing this? currently,
> It is not a matter of dead or live, but I would like to know. I have
> been trying to run a code in different (bits) systems, and I got the
> error "Incompatible native format - size of int" 
This should only occur when trying to load data which
cannot be represented in the loading system.  For example
suppose one has a value >32 bits on a 64 bit machine.  No
problem. Then it is saved to a portable binary archive.  Still
no problem.  Then it is loaded by a mache with 32 bit integers.
Uh-oh - the information can't be represented and an
exception is thrown.
I believe that the only think pending is a more general
representation of floating point values.  Apparently that
hasn't been an issue for people that use it.
Robert Ramey   
> Best regards / Cordialmente,

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