Hello Jeremiah,

Thank you for the reply and for the pointer to the paper. I had a look at the results using AM++, when would the new version of PBGL be released? Would it be in next month? Would the underlying communication framework be AM++ instead of MPI? If I go ahead and start using the current version of PBGL, would there be much change in the code? I am guessing there would not be much change, because you are changing the underlying communication mechanism.


On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 4:12 AM, Jeremiah Willcock <jewillco@osl.iu.edu> wrote:
On Tue, 14 Sep 2010, Raghava Mutharaju wrote:

Hello Boost users,

I am looking at Parallel Boost Graph Library (PBGL) to check whether it fits our project needs. I have a few questions on PBGL.

1) How does PBGL know about the size of the cluster -- its IP address, name?

That comes from the MPI implementation -- PBGL doesn't do its own communication; it uses Boost.MPI and thus MPI to do it.  You would need to set up an MPI implementation (such as Open MPI or MPICH) and give it information about your cluster.

2) What is the performance of it -- are there any other numbers apart from ones in the paper http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=

I don't think there are any posted online right now.  There will likely be some posted within the next month, though.  Note that we are working on a new version of PBGL (not released yet) that will be significantly faster; <URL:http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1854273.1854323> has a paper with some of those results (including some runs with the current PBGL).

-- Jeremiah Willcock
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