I have a server where there must be only one instance of it for a given machine on a given port number. Here is the code I used to try to make that happen:

boost::asio::io_service ios;
boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint primaryEndpoint(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), primaryPort);
std::auto_ptr<boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor> primaryAcceptor;

    primaryAcceptor.reset(new boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor(ios, primaryEndpoint));
catch(std::exception& ex)
    std::cout << "Error: Cannot obtain port " << primaryPort
                          << ", " << ex.what() << ", server must be already running." << std::endl;

It always prints the error. The error is 'Already open'. The exception gets thrown from the call to open. What am I doing wrong please? If don't do the open etc then I can run up a second instance and it will have the port also. It is as if SO_REUSEADDR is true. I always thought that SO_REUSEADDR was false by default. When I run it in the debugger and breakpoint before the call to open , the process has the port open for listening, as revealed by 'netstat -a'.  It is as if it has already done the open with SO_REUSEADDR set to true.

I am using boost version 1.42.0 on Windoze-XP compiled with Visual Studio 2005 (don't laugh....).


Andrew Marlow

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