Hi Antony,

unfortunatelly yes. The other code has to be compiled with BOOST_CB_DISABLE_DEBUG defined as well if it is using a circular_buffer which holds the same type.


From: Anthony Foglia <AFoglia@princeton.com>
To: boost-users@lists.boost.org
Sent: Mon, 8 November, 2010 15:34:28
Subject: Re: [Boost-users] circular_buffer, debug and invalid iterator checking

Jan Gaspar wrote:
> If you a problem only with iterator invalidation (which works in
> debug mode only) you can disable it completely. The documentation
> says: The debug support is enabled only in the debug mode (when the
> NDEBUG is not defined). It can also be explicitly disabled (only for
> circular_buffer) by defining BOOST_CB_DISABLE_DEBUG macro.

How would that work is my code is linked with other code that doesn't turn off the BOOST_CB_DISABLE_DEBUG macro?  I would imagine there would only be a problem if some other code is using a circular buffer to hold the same type I am (which is probably the case, but puts a requirement on other people's code).  Is that it?

-- Anthony Foglia
Princeton Consultants
(609) 987-8787 x233

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