The workaround you suggest didn't work.
I reported this as a bug to Fedora bugzilla and I got the following answer:

This sounds like you didn't load the openmpi environment module prior to
attempting to compile. The openmpi package is compliant with the new mpi
packaging guidelines which state that there is no system wide mpi by default
and the user must select the mpi they wish to compile with by use of the
environment modules supplied by the mpi package. That module includes the
necessary modifications to the environment to allow compilation of mpi
programs. Can you please confirm if you see this problem after the proper
environment is loaded?

I really don't know how to check that, but looks like the packager's oppinion is that this isn't a packaging but of mpic++. May be this is something new of openmpi that hasn't been taken into account in boost build process?
Thanks again,


On Mon 15/11/10 21:53 , Riccardo Murri sent:
> > 1. Try to compile with `mpicxx -c` a file consisting of the single
> > line `#include ` ; if this fails, your `mpicxx` is not
> > installed properly.
> This test fails. Is there any workaroud?

Try reinstalling the openmpi package(s); if the problem persists, it
could be a packaging problem, e.g., `mpicxx` configured with the wrong

Possibly, `mpicxx` is instructing the compiler to look for the MPI
include files under `/usr/include/openmpi` instead of
`/usr/include/openmpi-x86_64` (where you reported `mpi.h` is
located). A symlink *could* be a workaround.

Best regards,
Riccardo Murri
Grid Computing Competence Centre,">
Organisch-Chemisches Institut, University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zürich (Switzerland)
Tel: +41 44 635 4222
Fax: +41 44 635 6888
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