On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 10:54 AM, Eloi Du Bois <eloi.du.bois@gmail.com> wrote:

I would like to know why is'nt that working:

    boost::ptr_vector<B> p1;
    boost::ptr_vector<B> p2;
    std::vector<B> v1;

    boost::ptr_vector<A, boost::view_clone_allocator> pview;
    // add elements...

    p1 = p2;
    pview = p1;
//    p1 = v1; // don't work
//    pview = v1; // don't work

It should be working, or would be interesting to get working.

Without seeing your A's and B's it's hard to tell, but I think you're talking
about this....



- Rob.