
I'm running into a case where the Intel compiler is seeing mt19937 as:

typedef random::mersenne_twister< unsigned long, 32, 624, 397, 31, 0x9908b0df, 11, 7, 0x9d2c5680, 15, 0xefc60000, 18, 3346425566U > mt19937;

and MSVC is seeing it as:

typedef random::mersenne_twister< unsigned int, 32, 624, 397, 31, 0x9908b0df, 11, 7, 0x9d2c5680, 15, 0xefc60000, 18, 3346425566U > mt19937;

...it's defined as:

typedef random::mersenne_twister< uint32_t, 32, 624, 397, 31, 0x9908b0df, 11, 7, 0x9d2c5680, 15, 0xefc60000, 18, 3346425566U > mt19937;

This is leading to a link time problem. I'm a bit lost as to what to do since the lib I'm depending on is compiled with the Intel compiler and my client program is using MSVC. 

>From my very brief look - it seems that uint32_t is controlled via ULONG_MAX and UINT_MAX - I was wondering if someone could shed some light on how the Intel compiler handles ULONG_MAX and UINT_MAX. I couldn't find its limits.h to figure out what it was doing. Also - is there a work around for cases like this? 
