Hello Boost Users,
I'm now building configuration file parser with Boost.Spirit.
I have a little trouble understanding how this parser builds attribute:
It was supposed to parse strings throwing 'p' letter away.
*((qi::char_ - 'p') | qi::lit('p'))
attribute of qi::lit is Unused.
attribute of (qi::char_ - 'p') is char.
so attribute of ((qi::char_ - 'p') | qi::lit('p')) should be optional<char> that
is uninitialized optional value when matched against character 'p'
After applying Kleene star it should became vector<optional<char> >.
It seems to be compatible with string (at least it compiles). But 'p' letters
are not thrown away.
The output of that example is:
Full parsing
Result: "abcpppdef"
Is it possible to make such a parser without using semantic actions
like [bind(&string::append, res, _1)] or something like that, which seem
to be less elegant solution.