Hi all,

I would like to know how can I do the following:

I have n working threads. Each one has a loop preceded by a wait condition (1).
When the wait condition is unlocked, the thread takes a task on a queue, and process the task.

I need to make something in the submit task function that wait until all processes are on the wait condition (1).

How can I do that ?
I tried a while(!_nWorking) {} but this is not clean.

Here follows my threads function:

void ProcessingThread::dispatcher( const int idx )
    using namespace boost;
    mutex::scoped_lock readyLocker( _dispatchMutex[idx] );

    while( !_bDispStop )
        // Wait for a task
        _condProcessIn[idx].wait( readyLocker );
        while( !_bDispStop && !_pendingQueues[idx].empty() )
            Task task = _pendingQueues[idx].front();

            // Process node
            assert( task._proc );
            assert( task._procData );
            task._proc->execute( task._range, *task._procData );

Launched via:

    _nWorking = _nCpu;

    for( std::size_t i = 0; i < _nCpu; ++i )
        // Create dispatcher thread
        _dispThrdGroup.create_thread( boost::bind( &ProcessingThread::dispatcher, this, i ) );

Submit task function:

void ProcessingThread::submitProcess( ProcessLauncher * proc, const FrameRange & range, ProcessData & procData )
    // Get the index of the less used queue
    std::size_t idx = getLessUsedQueueIdx();
    // Append a task to the less used queue
    _pendingQueues[ idx ].push_back( Task( proc, range, procData ) );
    // Signal that a task is ready

        /// UGLY !
        while( _nWorking ) {

Thank you in advance,
Eloi Du Bois.