
When I compile a file, that consists of only one line:

#include <boost/parameter/keyword.hpp>

with a Texas Intstruments compiler for DSP (cgtools-6.1.12); boost-1.45.0, I get this warning:

boost/parameter/aux_/void.hpp, line 20: warning #1369-D: static local variables of extern inline function are not resolved to single copy. Not ANSI C++ Compliant

It referes to:
  inline void_& void_reference()
      static void_ instance;
      return instance;

In this particular context this warning seams harmless, so I would like to suppress it. As far as I know, this compiler doesn't have a #pragma warning(disable:1369) equivalent...

I know how suppress this kind of warning globally, but I would not like that, because in other contexts this is an important warning.

Any ideas, how I could suppress this warning locally, in code perhaps?
