Hi Bruno,

Thank you for the reply.

I have seen this documentation before. It says that two processes have to be related.

Boost.Process enables processes to communicate with each other only if they are related: One process must have created the other. If you want two processes which are not related to exchange data you should use Boost.Interprocess.

After reading the above sentences, I did not further read Boost.Process. And Boost.Interprocess does not offer pipes from what I understood. I had used boost message queues for my work but due to a short coming in the boost message queues, I am looking for another IPC technique to replace them. The short coming I refer to in boost message queues is being not able to wait on a message queue. I mean that it seems to be not possible to get a file descriptor of a boost message queue.

Best Regards,
Rohini Chandra

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 6:47 PM, bruno romano <brommul@gmail.com> wrote:


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