On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 13:32, Rutger ter Borg <rutger@terborg.net> wrote:
On 01/11/2011 12:45 PM, Hannes Brandstätter-Müller wrote:

Does anyone have a code snippet that can help me figure out what could
be stuck and lost in the buffer, or where else the problem could be?

IIRC, this might have to do with istream / streambuf not doing what you may expect. Have you tried using streambuf's commit / consume member functions?



That I did not try, but I just tried another, simpler program that does the communication the same way. It worked perfectly, and even showed the buffer size to be bigger (as almost all the messages were sent simultaneously) and they were processed line by line, as intended.

I'm now totally at loss what could cause that.

The most noticeable difference between the programs is that the non-working one is compiled with the MPI (openmpi) compiler (which adds some libraries and calls the GCC) instead of only gc++.

Confused, getting a headache,