2011/1/24 Hossein Haeri <powerprogman@yahoo.com>
Dear all,

I am trying to use BOOST_PP_FILENAME_1 for a header file in my current directory. Unless I hardcode the full address, GCC 4.5.1 (MinGW32, WinXP, SP3) says it can't find the same file in which I am using BOOST_PP_FILENAME_1! Is there any way I can go for relative file names? I have already checked the following -- neither works for the same reasons:

#define BOOST_PP_FILENAME_1 "./Header.hpp" //1

#define BOOST_PP_FILENAME_1 ".\Header.hpp" //2

#define BOOST_PP_FILENAME_1 "Header.hpp" //3

I have the same problem with you, I also use GCC 4.5.1, while <> works fine but "" not.