
I am using boost::function and have some issues on using it with visual studio 2005.
If I declare a boost::function with some "const" argument this "constness" seems to be lost on boost function siganture. Then, future assigment to this function whith correct "const" argument lead to wrong matching. See code snipset below.
This work fine under gcc 4.4 and visual 2010.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/function.hpp>

using namespace std;
using namespace boost;

class container_test
    typedef boost::function<bool(const int,float,float)> FunctionType;
    bool static defaultFunctor(const int, float,  float) { return true; }
    //void apply_functor( const FunctionType IsInside = defaultFunctor){}

int main() {
    container_test my_container;
    container_test::FunctionType my_f;
    my_f = container_test::defaultFunctor;
    return 0;


error send by visual 2005 compiler with "const". If change "const int" to "int" it works.
 ( sorry  for the "french")

1>..\main.cpp(22) : error C2679: '=' binaire : aucun opérateur trouvé qui accepte un opérande de partie droite de type 'bool (__cdecl *)(const int,float,float)' (ou il n'existe pas de conversion acceptable)
1>        C:\Documents and Settings\dfc\Bureau\boost_1_44\boost/function/function_template.hpp(1103): peut être 'boost::function<Signature> &boost::function<Signature>::operator =<bool(__cdecl *)(int,float,float)>(Functor)'
1>        with
1>        [
1>            Signature=bool (int,float,float),
1>            Functor=bool (__cdecl *)(int,float,float)
1>        ]
1>        C:\Documents and Settings\dfc\Bureau\boost_1_44\boost/function/function_template.hpp(1088): ou 'boost::function<Signature> &boost::function<Signature>::operator =(const boost::function<Signature> &)'
1>        with
1>        [
1>            Signature=bool (int,float,float)
1>        ]
1>        C:\Documents and Settings\dfc\Bureau\boost_1_44\boost/function/function_template.hpp(1110): ou 'boost::function<Signature> &boost::function<Signature>::operator =(boost::function<Signature>::clear_type *)'
1>        with
1>        [
1>            Signature=bool (int,float,float)
1>        ]
1>        C:\Documents and Settings\dfc\Bureau\boost_1_44\boost/function/function_template.hpp(1117): ou 'boost::function<Signature> &boost::function<Signature>::operator =(const boost::function3<R,T0,T1,T2> &)'
1>        with
1>        [
1>            Signature=bool (int,float,float),
1>            R=bool,
1>            T0=int,
1>            T1=float,
1>            T2=float
1>        ]
1>        lors de la tentative de mise en correspondance de la liste des arguments '(container_test::FunctionType, bool (__cdecl *)(const int,float,float))'

Nicolas David