Vivek wrote:
> I am writing a library that will handle storing and serializing
> user-defined types. The user-defined types are required to be
> themselves serializable. 
> However the library uses templates to create containers of user
> types.
So far so good - look at the serialization implementions for std::vector<T>
and others.
>These containers are then serialized through a base class
> pointer. I don't know how to export the container types to
> boost::serialization through the templates. The only way I can do it
> is to force the user of the library to BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_GUID()
> every container type. 
That would be the way to do it.  However, someone proposed a solution
to this problem and uploaded it as a track item.  I found it intriguing,
But I decided not to implement it to keep the library from getting
any more complicated than it already is.  You might want to
paste this proposed enhancement into your own code.

> I've tried unpacking the macro by looking at
> boost/serialization/export.hpp, but it is slightly complex.
lol - this is an understatement
>  Is
> there a way to export a class as part of the template instantiation?
> Or another way to write the library to easily serialize containers of
> user-defined types?
The rub here is your requirement that it be exported through
a base class pointer.  Were it not for this, it is easily done
just like standard containers are.   
Robert Ramey