Hello Júlio,

Thanks for your reply.

I've tried to pass the libraries that I needed in a past attempt. It didn't help. If I don't specify any library to bootstrap.sh, all the libraries are built. This way, I'm sure I don't miss anything. It also makes the explanation of what I did more straightforward.

I'll definitely have a closer look at the doc. I might have missed something, although it would be surprising to have to modify something in the configuration to make such a simple example build.


-----Original Message-----
From: Júlio Hoffimann
Sent: Wed 2/23/2011 3:54 AM
To: boost-users@lists.boost.org
Cc: Nicolas Chaumont
Subject: Re: [Boost-users] [Filesystem] Symbol not found: boost::filesystem2::detail::status_api
Hi Nicolas,

It's my first time using Boost, but i think you missed the build steps. The
Boost library is header-only, except this parts:


example, i'm using Boost.MPI and Boost.Random, my bootstrap.sh call is
something like:

./bootstrap.sh --prefix=/your/desired/path --with-libraries=mpi,random

I think you need to pass Filesystem to bootstrap.sh before anything. Also is
a good idea read it's docs, because maybe you will need to edit some
specific configuration files like i did in Boost.MPI.
