Hi guys...I would to make a simple multi process (not thread) server. I've seen the iterative example in which it handles one request at a time. Instead I need to handle more requests(more on less 10) at the same time. In the classic c and c++ examples, I've seen that the server is designed like the following:

int listensd, connsd; // listening socket and conection socket
pid_t pid;            //process id

  if((pid=fork())==0)  //child process
        close(listensd);  //close the listen socket
        do_it(connsd);    //serve the request
        close(connsd);    //close the connection socket
close(connsd);     //the parent closes the connection socket

Is it possible to do something like that with boost? I really don't know how obtain the two different socket, because in boost all the function (listen, bind, accept, etc.) return void.

Thank you...